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Name & address


Civic association „Mezinárodní asociace pražských krysaříků “ (hereinafter Association)

Is based in Ujkovice.

English name„International Association of Prazsky Krysarik“.

Abbreviation „IAPK“

The association is located at Ujkovice 31, 294 04 Dolní Bousov, Czech Republic


Type of association

The Association is voluntary, non-governmental, non profit association of citizens & legal entities who share an interest in development of our smallest National breed – Pražský krysařík.

The Association is a legal entity under Czech law.


Basic objectives of the Association

The basic objectives of the association are particularly:

  • To further develop breeding of Pražský krysaříks, work together on breeding dogs in accordance with breed standard.
  • To respect all valid FCI & ČMKU rules & regulations & regulations of other national FCI organizations.
  • To respect the principals of health according to current regulations and laws of Czech Republic & other member operators of the association.
  • To seek International recognition of the breed.


Forms of activities

Forms of association’s activities are particularly:

  • To hold regular meetings.
  • Promotion activities, organizing dog shows & other similar events.
  • Educational events (lectures, seminars, short courses).
  • Information activities, searching & collecting information for the global database of dogs with PP.



Membership in the Association


  1. Any person or a legal entity, who agrees with the association statutes & complies with its resolutions, may become a member.
  2. Membership shall be established upon approval of written application by General Assembly. Admission of new members is decided at the soonest General Assembly by simple majority. Adoption of new members shall be notified in writing. The association keeps records of its members.
  3. Members of IAPK must be registered with the National Club.
  4. Applications for membership should be submitted in writing. The candidate undertakes to fulfill the obligations of the statutes. 
  5. Active members & legal entity members may become honorary members of the association. Any member actively seeking cooperation & abiding statutes may be voted an honorary member. Honorary members don’t have any special duties or right except those explicitly granted by the statute.


2. Members‘ rights:

  • To attend General Assembly, each member – every person has one vote. The amount of votes of a legal entity is determined by the General Assembly. Honorary members have an advisory vote. Should they become members of the Executive Board their vote would become executive. Legal entities vote through their statutory representative or a written elected representative.
  • To be elected to bodies of the association, comment on its activities & its organs, make suggestions & ask questions.
  • To be informed of all activities of the association, to participate in the activities and enjoy all the benefits of a membership in the association.
  • To submit proposals related to the breeding of Pražský krysaříks.

3. Members‘ duties:

  • To comply with the statutes, to implement resolutions of the General Assembly, Supervisory Board & their operational decisions.
  • At determined rate, to contribute to the costs incurred by the association in the current year.
  • Actively promote the association, to comply with all internal agreements & do nothing that would be contrary to the interests of the association.
  • Attend the meetings of the association & help to improve their work.
  • Respect a valid Pražský krysařík standard.
  • Respect a mutual recognition of the breed – according to the valid directives proposed by the country of origin.

4. The association is entitled to apply following penalties to members whose activity is inconsistent with the statutes and the interests of the association:

  • An Executive Board may warn a member of the association in a written form.
  • Exclusion from the association.

5 . Membership in the association expires as follows:

  • Termination of the membership – written termination should be submitted to the director of the association.
  • Failure to pay contributions on time.
  • Cancellation of the membership due to a serious violation of rights and obligations of the Club, FCI & ČMKU statutes.
  • Involvement in clubs & activities that do not comply with FCI & ČMKU orders.
  • Exclusion – is decided by the General Assembly.
  • Membership termination.
  • Member’s death.
  • Termination of the association.
  • Members may appeal against the termination of their membership to the Revision Commission within 15 days after the decision has been made.


6. Any settlement against a member who ceased a membership will be held within three months from the certified completion of the membership termination.


Organizational Structure

1. The structure of the Association:

  • General Assembly
  • Executive Board – 5 members (president, vice-president, treasurer, spokesperson, member)
  • President – always a representative of the country of origin


2. The General Assembly is a supreme body of the association and consists of all its members. The president of the association convenes a General Assembly at least once a year. The General Assembly will also meet, within 14 days, when at least one third of the association members or its executive board send a written request. General Assembly’s decision shall be taken by a ballot.  A decision is adopted if an absolute majority of present members votes for. The General Assembly is able to make resolutions if a majority of votes in the association is present. The agenda must be included in the invitation to the meeting - usually guided by a manager. The president of the association together with two other verifiers sign the meeting minutes. All members receive a copy of the meeting minutes.

3. General Assembly has the following powers:

  • Decides about memberships in the association.
  • Votes an executive board and a president. The term of the elected bodies is four years.
  • Approves annual reports and a concept of the association management.
  • Supplements & amends the statutes.
  • Sets membership fees.
  • Votes on public presence at their meetings.
  • General Assembly may, by two-thirds majority of all presented votes, reserve the rights to make decisions about matters that are otherwise decided by other bodies of the association.

4. The Executive Board manages the association between General Assemblies.  It consists of a president, vice president, treasurer, spokesperson and one additional member appointed by the General Assembly.  The Executive Board always consists of at least three members from the country of the origin of Pražský krysařík – Czech Republic. The Executive Board meets as necessary but at least once every three months. The president shall convene a meeting at the request of any member.

Executive Board:

  • Decides on all matters of the association, if not within the competence of the General Assembly.
  • Prepares General Assembly.
  • Supervises the work of the association staff.


Management of the Association

1. Assets of the association arise from members‘ contribution, grants, subsidies and donations.

2. The concept of the association‘s management is approved by the General Assembly. Assets are used to cover:

  • Administrative expenses of the association bodies.
  • Services & work necessary for the association’s activities. 

3. At the end of the accounting year, the treasurer submits a report to the executive board. The result of the report is presented to the General Assembly.


Final Provisions

1. President or members authorized by the president act on behalf of the association.

2. In case of a termination of the association a commission approved by the General Assembly will dispose of all assets.

3. Statutes may be amended or supplemented only by a two thirds majority of votes of the participants in the General Assembly. 


These statutes were approved by a Foundation Meeting in Řásná 02.07.2010 and take effect with its registration at the Ministry of Interior of Czech Republic 19. 8. 2010.